JRuby Inside http://www.jrubyinside.com/ Wed, 08 Oct 2008 17:37:10 GMT Links and posts about JRuby JRuby and Terracotta, JMagLev? http://fabiokung.com/2008/10/08/jruby-sharing-objects-across-multiple-runtimes-jmaglev/ Avi Bryant's demo for MagLev (from the last RailsConf) being reproduced with JRuby, Nailgun and Terracotta. Wed, 08 Oct 2008 17:37:10 GMT guid:63c6e4ddfd48388f4825991026622dc2ba750605 Fabio Kung New Book: JRuby Cookbook http://oreilly.com/catalog/9780596519803/ O'Reilly continues its dominance in the programming book scene with "JRuby Cookbook" by Justin Edelson and Henry Liu which offers practical solutions for using the JRuby, the Java implementation of the Ruby language. Fri, 03 Oct 2008 13:54:50 GMT guid:8269671ca14e573d6a059c6bfe67f6e1a0522107 Peter Cooper Integrating Scala into JRuby http://www.dzone.com/links/rss/integrating_scala_into_jruby.html More and more projects (especially startups) have been choosing to build their software in multiple languages. Rather than using SQL for the database, XML for the RPC and Java for the everything else, companies have learned that sometimes a different language can serve best in a specific area. Ola Bini provides some guidance with regards to methodology in this area in the form of what he calls “language layers”. He suggests that an application can be divided logically into separate layers, and for each of these layers there exists a class of language - be it dynamic, static, compiled or otherwise - which can best accomplish the task at hand. All of that aside, there is one problem which is absolutely assured when dealing with polyglot programming: integration between the languages. Mon, 29 Sep 2008 07:06:14 GMT guid:8487ab3032ce4e64b0089c60b70beef4ca4f6373 JRuby Inside Why I'm starting to like JRuby even though I dislike Java http://www.dzone.com/links/rss/why_im_starting_to_like_jruby_even_though_i_disli.html Among my friends, it's not a secret that I personally don't like Java. During my time at the university, I had to deal with it for some courses, but somehow nobody could convince me to really like the language. With Ruby, it was the exact opposite - I saw a few code examples, read some articles about it and I immediately started to like the language and it's charming way of doing OO like I always wanted it to be. Sat, 27 Sep 2008 21:37:17 GMT guid:5e663e9c5806272169a1d8120745c5812f2a483a JRuby Inside JRuby 1.1.4 Released http://docs.codehaus.org/display/JRUBY/2008/08/28/JRuby+1.1.4+Released The JRuby team just released version 1.1.4, which resolved 72 issues since the 1.1.3 release. 1.1.4 deals with compatibility issues, enhances performance (2-20x speed up of most features - calls, construction, arrays), and takes steps toward Ruby 1.9 compatibility (enabled with –1.9 flag). Read the full details about the release and then download JRuby 1.1.4. Happy coding! Fri, 29 Aug 2008 00:42:00 GMT guid:9cc5cdc05437406c6d94e21cb3f4bbe9961b1912 Robert Dempsey How to Deploy A Rails App on JRuby In 15 Minutes http://blog.headius.com/2008/08/zero-to-production-in-15-minutes.html Charles Nutter takes us through the process of deploying a Rails app on JRuby in just 15 minutes. Wed, 27 Aug 2008 00:02:01 GMT guid:9b649d42e8ed2ba4ea1fafbbec663a3252d50697 Peter Cooper JtestR 0.3.1 Released http://ola-bini.blogspot.com/2008/08/jtestr-031-released.html This is a link-only post. Please <a href="http://ola-bini.blogspot.com/2008/08/jtestr-031-released.html">visit this link</a> to go directly to the content. Sun, 17 Aug 2008 11:40:00 GMT guid:0062b2f568d6ec41a8c9c2c891d350756bd77cd1 JRuby Inside JRuby 1.1.3 Released http://docs.codehaus.org/display/JRUBY/2008/07/19/JRuby+1.1.3+Released JRuby 1.1.3 was released on July 19th. This release includes "primarily obvious compatibility problems and performance enhancements." The highlights of this release, per the official post by Thomas Enebo are: - RubyGems 1.2 - Greatly improved interpreter performance - jrubyc compiler usability improvements and bug fixes - Reduced memory usage and object churn - Dozens of IO-related and core class RubySpec fixes + reduced memory for IO - ThreadGroup fixes to resolve Mongrel "dead thread" issues - New options/properties for tweaking JIT, thread pooling, and more - Block invocation performance improvements - Much faster Time performance - Much better support for --debug - Mentioning that context classloader fix would be nice (since it quite user visible, and many users seen/asked for it). JRUBY-2495 - 82 issues resolved since JRuby 1.1.2 Mon, 21 Jul 2008 00:00:00 GMT guid:0aeed6a36c2338d565166cd491f0e9b0041944bb Robert Dempsey Rolling a JRuby Desktop Application http://spin.atomicobject.com/2008/07/02/rolling-a-jruby-desktop-application An in-depth look at how to package together and deploy a JRuby application as a JAR. Sun, 06 Jul 2008 15:52:15 GMT guid:dff466aaedbdc7022f7cc0dd18ef3ad68955c997 Peter Cooper JRuby Swing IRB with antaliasing http://www.datazoo.de/article/119/jruby-swing-irb-with-antaliasing How to set up antialiasing for jirb_swing on Windows Wed, 02 Jul 2008 09:35:16 GMT guid:3ab25e4a8b2a596d98e37c4d14df88fba86131f1 Martin